
Each Local Hub establishes their own goals and their own different ways to measure success. They also have freedom to decide what kind of event they’d like to organize. Our Bangalore Hub had a clear vision of their goals: 

  • At the end of the event we want clarity about our roles and goals for the 2-1-5 timeline of this Hub, what our next steps will be and how to start working on them. 
  • Our mentors/venture coaches are present and we have a productive discussion with them. 
  • Meeting in person can improve communication and break the ice between the Fellows and Mentors/venture coaches. 
  • Hopefully both parties take back valuable insights and exchange knowledge with one another.
  • To bond as a group, to create synergy and to connect on a deeper level. 
  • To learn from the mentors/experts present, as well as from each other. 
  • The start of a great community and movement at a local scale.

The Bangalore Hub organized a talk at the scenic location of The Green School where they invited Usha Iyer (Managing Director of The Green School) and Venetia Sharanya (Ecologist) to deliver talks. Then, each Fellow summarized their project ideas which led to a discussion with their Mentors exploring the problems they are trying to solve and how they can best help each other. They shared their first successful Local Hub through the Instragram channel they created specifically for their Hub. 


It was truly a special day where we had the opportunity to reconnect in person after the in-person event in Stuttgart. It was once again highly motivating.

Our day began at noon when the four members from Spain (Maya, Ana, Luis and myself) gathered at the UPF City Campus library.

We were able to update each other on the progress of our projects and get to work on organizing the beVisioneers hub in Spain.

We started by defining our purpose, mission, vision, and values that will guide our beVisioneers Hub—a representation of what we envision this to be.

We also defined our positioning strategy as a new community entering Spain, recognizing that there are other communities that share our values. We need to find ways to differentiate ourselves and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Subsequently, we outlined our communication strategy to the world—how our Hub will express itself and how we will organize ourselves in terms of communication platforms, formats, frequency, and content publication.


beVisoneers Pretoria Hub: Fostering Collaboration Amidst Natural Beauty


I am proud to be part of the beVisoneers Pretoria Hub, and on September 16th, our Local Hub gathered at the picturesque Pretoria Botanical Gardens. Our theme for the day was “Collaboration,” and it turned out to be a day filled with inspiring conversations, shared visions, and the promise of working together to make a difference.

Getting to Know Each Other

Before we delved into discussions on collaboration, it was crucial for us to understand each other better. This was not just about names and faces but about connecting on a deeper level. Each member took the time to introduce themselves, sharing their projects, dreams, and challenges. It was a fantastic way to discover the rich diversity within our group.

Learning from Each Other

Sharing was at the heart of our gathering, and we embraced it wholeheartedly. We had members working on diverse projects, ranging from waste management to food security and energy solutions. The open atmosphere allowed us to share our experiences, challenges, and aspirations. It was a powerful reminder that we were not alone in our quests, and there was much we could learn from one another.

Collaboration in Action

The most exciting part of the day was when we began brainstorming potential collaborations. As we discussed our projects, we started to see connections and overlaps that we hadn’t noticed before. Waste management and food security, energy and food security – these seemingly unrelated fields suddenly found common ground. It was a moment of realization that collaboration was not just an idea; it was an opportunity to amplify our impact.

Aha Moments and Linkages

Our discussions led to numerous “Aha” moments as we uncovered untapped potential in working together across different domains. These realizations were not just about merging projects; they were about creating powerful synergies. We found that by joining forces, we could address complex challenges more effectively and innovatively.

A Culinary Interlude

After our productive session at the botanical gardens, we continued our discussions over a delightful meal at Chiapas, a charming Mexican restaurant in Brooklyn Mall. Good food always has a way of bringing people closer, and our culinary interlude reinforced the sense of camaraderie among us.

An Unexpectedly Extended Goodbye

The beVisoneers were so engrossed in our conversations that we found ourselves lingering at Chiapas longer than planned. Laughter filled the air as we continued to exchange stories, ideas, and visions for the future. It was a testament to the deep connections we had formed during the day.

A Heartfelt Thank You

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our organizers, Yumna and Josephine. Their meticulous planning and unwavering commitment made this event unforgettable. They ensured that our first Local Hub meeting would be one to remember.

Bangalore Hub

  1. Akhilesh Anil Kumar
  2. Apurvanidhi Mukim
  3. Ashish Pahwa
  4. Avhijit Nair
  5. Joshua Ryan Almeida
  6. Neha Jayanth Pattanshetti
  7. Praneetha Monipi
  8. Priya Srinivas
  9. S.Parvathi Kurup
  10.  Shreya Umesh
  11.  Swathi Lakshmi Narayanan
  12.  Vamsi Tadisetti

Barcelona Hub

  1. Aleyna Gültekin
  2. Ana Sofia Bastos Mendes Vidal
  3. Luis Borja Garcia Gimeno
  4. Maya Kamel

Pretoria Hub

  1. Yumna Ramsingh 
  2. Joséphine Katumba 
  3. Nthabiseng Mabetlela 
  4. Linda Kaumphawi
  5. Percival Sands
  6. Ntokozo Mothwa
  7. Darryl Nyamayaro

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