Welcome to the beVisioneers Global Summit. The very first event of its kind. This summit brings together 100+ young eco-innovators from around the world, along with experts and public figures from across sectors and fields.
Record-breaking temperatures, rampant wildfires, accelerating glacier melt—it is the youth of the world who will contend with these and other environmental challenges. Now is time to hear their ideas, build on their innovation skills and accelerate their development as leaders. The beVisioneers Global Summit was conceived precisely to address these objectives.
An intergenerational gathering of eco-preneurs, experts, policy makers and innovation leaders, the first annual beVisioneers Global Summit, which takes place on 26-28 February 2024 in Stuttgart, Germany, offers an unprecedented platform for insight and exchange with the goal not just to think outside of the box but to foster new frameworks and relationships for contending with the challenges ahead.
Two days of youth-inspired innovation
Our two day program invites meaningful interaction between youth from around the world and established leaders. Through shared exchanges, we will explore the diverse experiences of environmental challenges, concrete lessons on innovating for the planet, and opportunities for joint support and action. This is the inaugural convening of our community and the first steps in building a broader support ecosystem for cutting-edge, planet positive leadership.
The beVisioneers Global Summit is by invitation and we welcome media enquiries. Contact our team to find out more.
Discover a summit
like no other
- Experience the innovative ideas and projects that are taking shape, from a selection of the brightest young eco-innovators
- Engage with thought-provoking keynote speakers who will share insights on the intersection of innovation, environment, and policy
- Connect with a diverse group of leaders, from industry professionals, to investors, to policymakers, all driven by a passion for sustainability
Programme at a glance
27 February
- 8:00 – 12:00 Welcome followed by Expert voices session
- 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
- 13:00 – 14:00 Expert Exchange session followed by debriefing
- 14:00 -17:00 Merceedes Benz Museum Tour
- 17:00 – 20:00 Dinner (optional)
28 February
- 8:00 – 09:00 Welcome followed by a session with Mercedes Benz
- 09:00 – 12:00 Pioneer Grant pitches followed by Marketplace exploration
- 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch
- 13:00 -17:00 Award ceremony
- 17:00 – 18:00 Plenary closing followed by a closing session
- 18:00 – 20:00 Dinner (optional)
Featured speakers &
- Mercedes-Benz Board members including Ola Källenius, Renata Jungo Brüngger and Marcus Breitschwerdt
- Esteemed industry experts, philanthropists, community leaders, scientists
- 50 rising eco-innovators from round the world including Europe, India and South Africa