Reason #1 – You’ll Dive Deep Into Our Planet-Positive Program

If you’re new to the bV world, your first question might be; how is this Fellowship different from the other Sustainable Learning Programs? Our Fellowship is a 12-month intensive hybrid-learning program designed and implemented by education pioneers, that focuses on the implementation of your planet-positive project. We focus on 12 specific sustainability zones, which are areas where specific challenges need specific solutions. These zones range from decarbonization, to water management, to sustainable transport and mobility and much more. 

We match our Fellows’ ideas and projects to these areas, giving them exactly what they need to tackle these challenges over 12 months. Projects will be carried out in close proximity to align with broader efforts around localization. With this approach, we can amplify impact.

The program is divided into three different modules or as we like to call them ‘’Labs’’;

Personal sustainability, focused on your individual and collective leadership, well-being and resilience.

Environmental Sustainability, focused on your knowledge and application of planet-positive concepts and practices.

Venture sustainability, focused on your entrepreneurial mindsets and skills to turn ideas into action.

Each Lab is designed to develop you as a person, a leader and a sustainable thought-leader. 

Reason #2 – You’ll be Guided by Seasoned Mentors and Experts

As you navigate our program, you will be guided by your own mentor, who will help you develop your idea and vision. Mentors come from various backgrounds and walks of life but are matched accordingly with appropriate Fellows to maximize impact. They will provide guidance, advice, feedback, and support to their matched beVisioneers Fellow via monthly calls, depending on the specific goals and objectives negotiated with the Fellow. You will also work with Venture Coaches who guide Fellows in applying venture learning and progress their project milestones with a cross-regional peer group of 10-11 Fellows. 

Reason #3 – You’ll Connect to a Global Community

One of the huge benefits of becoming a Fellow is becoming part of our rich and diverse community.  The bV community is all about co-creation. That means, whether you’re working on food waste or renewable energy, your project is going to contribute to other Fellows’ projects. No one can do it alone. You will come together with Fellows from all over the world and collaborate in person at Regional Summits, you will organize your own communities at the Local Hubs and connect with our wider community at the Global Summit. This year our community is growing even more! We are now open to applicants from South Korea, Mexico, USA, Uganda, and Kenya to name a few. 

Reason #4 – You’ll Grow as a Leader

Throughout your time on the program, you will gain valuable insight and experience on leadership; leading a team, collaboration, facing complexity, overcoming adversity and much more. You’ll learn financial literacy and solidify your entrepreneurial mindsets. You’ll be equipped with the tools to navigate your way through your specific Sustainability Zone and make an impact in your local community but also on a global scale. You’ll learn to lead with confidence by empowering those around you to unlock the power of co-creation. 

Reason #5 – You’ll Launch Your Venture

The central focus of our program is to help you bring your planet-positive idea to life. Once you’ve come close to the end of the program, your idea will have undergone improvements and passed milestones to reach a point of maturity. You’ll have a deep understanding of the financial viability of your project in the long term and be in a prime position to make waves with the launch of your project. You’ll also have the chance to apply to be part of our Global Summit, where you can pitch for grants for your project and expand your network even further. 

Start Your Application Today

Ultimately, we believe that you know what is needed in your communities best. beVisioneers is simply a path to help you get there. Co-creation is a crucial part of our philosophy and you will get the chance to shape and impact the beVisioneers experience. We hope you don’t miss out on this opportunity. The beVisioneer community awaits you. Apply now!

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  1. Oratile Rose DubaI want to encourage and teach our youth about the effect of living in a dark cloud of coal mine and how it affects our health. I've been in a challenge of being threatened by our own people living in one community because they are especially in politics but they don't know what they are living under which circumstance, even if the health it's bad they will never tell you what caused the sickness. Only thing in our community that we can do is to stand up and face our management and tell them what are we living under it's been many years people face such risks but not knowing what is affecting their lives
  2. RobinsonThis is great!! Our planet need vibrant change makers to counter the adversities being caused by extreme climate change to our local communities and to the whole globe in large. Love this. Big up champions.

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