Ziyander Mute

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  • Ziyander Mute

Country :
South Africa
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production
Ziyander Mute, hailing from South Africa, is bursting into the fashion industry. Dedicated to combatting the detrimental effects of unsustainable production practices on the environment. Witnessing firsthand the alarming levels of textile waste and pollution plaguing local ecosystems, Ziyander embarked on a mission to revolutionize the industry through her groundbreaking project. By championing circular business models such as rental services, resale platforms, and repair/alteration services, Ziyander is spearheading a movement towards eco-friendly practices and sustainable fashion consumption. As a passionate fashion stylist and conscious consumer, Ziyander is unwavering in his commitment to effecting positive change in her community and beyond. Her innovative project not only aims to reduce local textile waste but also to inspire a global shift towards responsible fashion consumption. With a vision for a healthier planet and a dedication to...
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Country :
South Africa
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production