Syed Jazib Ali

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  • Syed Jazib Ali

Country :
United Kingdom
Sustainability Zone :
Indigenous Knowledge; Research; & Data Exchange
Syed Jazib Ali, hailing from the United Kingdom, is a passionate advocate for indigenous communities in the Himalayan region through his work with the Himalayan Climate Watch Network (HCWN). As a member of the Pahari tribe in the lower Himalayan region of Jammu and Kashmir, Syed is dedicated to addressing the underrepresentation of indigenous voices in climate policy and the lack of local climate education. Through HCWN, he strives to empower indigenous communities, integrate climate education into local curriculums, and support community-led environmental initiatives to drive sustainable policy impacts. Syed's commitment to empowering indigenous communities against climate injustices is evident in his efforts to ensure their voices influence global environmental policies. By addressing these challenges, he believes in equipping indigenous communities with the tools for sustainable development and climate resilience, ultimately enriching local...
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Country :
United Kingdom
Sustainability Zone :
Indigenous Knowledge; Research; & Data Exchange