Sydney Erik Wamalwa

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  • Sydney Erik Wamalwa

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Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production
Sydney Erik Wamalwa, a Visioneer from Kenya, is at the forefront of tackling the global issue of excessive digital waste through his innovative project, Swap. Growing up in Kenya, Sydney witnessed firsthand the environmental impact of discarded electronic devices on landfills and ecosystems. This experience fueled his passion for promoting resourcefulness and responsible stewardship in the face of mounting e-waste challenges. As the founder of Swap, Sydney's mission is clear: to extend the lifespan of electronic devices and reduce e-waste by providing affordable, refurbished tech to Kenyans. Through Swap, students, entrepreneurs, and families gain access to reliable devices, easing financial burdens and empowering communities. Sydney envisions a world where electronics serve us longer, creating a ripple effect of positive change for future generations.

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Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production