Shatoparna Bhattacharya

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  • Shatoparna Bhattacharya

Country :
India (भारत)
Sustainability Zone :
Ecosystems & Global Environmental Commons
Shatoparna Bhattacharya, hailing from India, is the visionary behind GreenVigil, a groundbreaking initiative dedicated to revolutionizing plant disease identification and eco-friendly solutions. With a mission to empower farmers and plant enthusiasts, Shatoparna's work at GreenVigil aims to reduce pesticide usage, optimize resources, and champion sustainable agriculture for a healthier planet. Leveraging the power of machine learning, GreenVigil accurately identifies plant diseases from images and offers tailored eco-friendly solutions and preventive measures. Through educational resources and a collaborative community, Shatoparna fosters a culture of sustainable agriculture and responsible plant care practices. This endeavor is deeply personal to Shatoparna, who firmly believes in the critical importance of sustainable agriculture and plant health for food security and environmental conservation. By inspiring young gardeners and farmers to embrace plant care as a lifestyle choice, GreenVigil is...
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Country :
India (भारत)
Sustainability Zone :
Ecosystems & Global Environmental Commons