Rogers Ronnic Omara

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  • Rogers Ronnic Omara

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Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management
Rogers Ronnic Omara, a passionate environmentalist from Uganda, is dedicated to combating plastic waste pollution in Africa. With over 500 tonnes of plastic waste suffocating Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, Rogers is determined to revolutionize plastic waste management through innovative genetic engineering techniques. By modifying Escherichia coli bacteria with the PET degradation genes of Ideonella sakaiensis 201-F6, Rogers aims to create a sustainable solution for breaking down plastics effectively. Driven by a deep commitment to creating a plastic-free environment, Rogers believes in the power of synthetic biology to bring about positive and lasting change. His project not only addresses the immediate issue of plastic accumulation in water systems but also contributes to reducing the environmental impact of plastic production. Through his work, Rogers seeks to protect ecosystems, wildlife, and local communities in...
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Country :
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management