Natalia Barankova

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  • Natalia Barankova

Country :
Slovakia (Slovensko)
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production
Natalia Barankova, hailing from Slovakia, is a visionary leader dedicated to reshaping the global food landscape. With a keen understanding of how international market trends often marginalize farmers and neglect indigenous crops, Natalia founded Sowly to revolutionize the way food is produced, distributed, and consumed. Through this digital cooperative marketplace, she connects farmers directly with consumers, bypassing middlemen to enhance transparency and promote fair trade practices. Natalia's passion for empowering local communities within supply chains stems from her deep realization of their profound impact on society. She views supply chains as a reflection of our society's empathy deficit, shedding light on issues like labor exploitation and environmental degradation. Determined to give voice to the silenced, Natalia champions responsibly sourced indigenous food, creating markets for farmers and increasing biodiversity in cooperatives. Her mission to stimulate...
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Country :
Slovakia (Slovensko)
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production