Maya Zeng

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  • Maya Zeng

Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production
Inspired by the art of origami, Maya has developed a revolutionary container design that lays flat when not in use, optimizing space efficiency. When needed, the container seamlessly transforms into a functional storage solution, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional bulky containers that contribute to excessive waste volume. In a country where waste management heavily relies on landfills, Maya's project plays a crucial role in diverting food and packaging waste away from these unsustainable sites. By promoting a shift towards sustainable waste remediation practices, Maya is actively contributing to the global effort to reduce environmental impact and combat climate change. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Maya views waste reduction and diversion as essential steps towards a more sustainable future, especially in the face of corporate greed and slow regulatory responses.

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Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production