Mapitso Lekgotla

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  • Mapitso Lekgotla

Country :
South Africa
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management
Mapitso Lekgotla, hailing from South Africa, is the visionary founder of Synthetic Loops, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at tackling the global plastic waste crisis. Recognizing the dire consequences of plastic pollution on human health, ocean life, wildlife, ecosystems, and climate change, Mapitso is on a mission to make a positive impact. By upcycling discarded plastic bags into durable and eco-friendly mats, Synthetic Loops offers a sustainable solution to repurpose plastic waste. Growing up in a community plagued by deteriorating health and frequent illnesses, Mapitso has witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of plastic pollution on both people and livestock. With a deep sense of urgency, Synthetic Loops seeks to alleviate the burden of plastic waste by reducing its presence in landfills and surroundings. Through this innovative approach, Mapitso envisions a healthier and more...
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Country :
South Africa
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management