Maghogho Odanibe

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  • Maghogho Odanibe

Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management
Maghogho Odanibe is a dedicated environmental researcher based in the United States. Their current project focuses on evaluating the inequalities in ammonia pollution stemming from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) exposure across the U.S. Maghogho's work addresses the critical gap in assessing disparities among communities, with a specific emphasis on racial and socioeconomic groups. Leveraging advanced remote sensing technology for high-resolution pollution data, the project aims to identify and map out patterns of ammonia exposure linked to these demographic characteristics. Having witnessed the profound impacts of pollution in oil spill-affected communities during a phytoremediation project, Maghogho's commitment to environmental justice is unwavering. Through their research, they seek to raise awareness, inform policies, and advocate for vulnerable populations, ensuring sustainable practices are promoted for a healthier and more equitable future. By shedding light on...
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Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management