londiwe zodwa Ngobeni

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  • londiwe zodwa Ngobeni

Country :
South Africa
Sustainability Zone :
Sustainable Food Systems; Food Security; and Healthy Nutrition
Londiwe Zodwa Ngobeni, hailing from South Africa, is a passionate advocate for addressing the critical issue of water scarcity and its impact on agriculture. Growing up in a village, she witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by farmers due to unpredictable weather patterns caused by climate change. This inspired her to develop a groundbreaking solution - a unique device aimed at generating water from nearby rivers or implementing a solar system for efficient irrigation. With a deep-rooted belief in the power of sustainable agriculture to uplift communities, Londiwe's innovation aims to provide a long-term, accessible water source for farmers, enabling them to cultivate crops effectively and provide for their families. By increasing food production and creating opportunities for income generation, her project not only addresses the immediate challenges of water shortage and crop failure...
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Country :
South Africa
Sustainability Zone :
Sustainable Food Systems; Food Security; and Healthy Nutrition