Lauren Mackenzie Click

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  • Lauren Mackenzie Click

Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management
Lauren Mackenzie Click, a passionate environmental advocate from the United States, is the Visioneer Founder of Let's Go Compost. Lauren is on a mission to revolutionize waste management practices. In the U.S., each student contributes approximately 39.2 pounds of food waste annually, resulting in a staggering 530,000 tons of waste from schools alone. Recognizing the disproportionate burden placed on teachers to address this issue, Lauren's non-profit focuses on making composting accessible and free, particularly in underserved communities. Through Let's Go Compost, Lauren is dedicated to empowering public school students, especially those in underfunded areas affected by landfill pollutants, to take charge of reducing food waste emissions. By providing support for school and community gardens and ensuring equitable access to food waste drop-off sites, Lauren is not only combatting environmental challenges but also fostering...
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Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management