Kiconco Shallom Esther Turihaihi Nzaana

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  • Kiconco Shallom Esther Turihaihi Nzaana

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Sustainability Zone :
Sustainable Food Systems; Food Security; and Healthy Nutrition
Kiconco Shallom Esther Turihaihi Nzaana, hailing from Uganda, is a dedicated advocate for sustainable waste management solutions in her community. With a deep-rooted passion for environmental sustainability, Kiconco leads efforts to address the pressing issue of waste management in Uganda. Her vision is to develop and implement a comprehensive waste management system that not only tackles the environmental challenges posed by waste disposal but also considers the social and economic implications. Through community engagement, education, and the establishment of efficient waste management practices, Kiconco's project aims to significantly reduce the environmental impact of waste while promoting a healthier and cleaner living environment for all. By raising awareness about the detrimental effects of improper waste disposal, particularly plastic pollution, she strives to pave the way for a greener future and protect the planet for...
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Sustainability Zone :
Sustainable Food Systems; Food Security; and Healthy Nutrition