Jyoti Meena

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  • Jyoti Meena

Country :
Netherlands (Nederland)
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production
Jyoti Meena, based in the Netherlands, is on a mission to revolutionize the fashion industry by empowering consumers to make sustainable choices. Recognizing the lack of awareness surrounding the environmental impact of fashion purchases, Jyoti founded ConsciChoice, a groundbreaking browser extension that provides sustainability ratings, environmental impact assessments, and alternative suggestions from eco-friendly brands. With a deep understanding of the ecological damage caused by unsustainable consumption patterns, Jyoti is dedicated to educating and inspiring individuals to make planet-positive fashion decisions effortlessly. Having personally experienced the guilt of mindless consumption, Jyoti is driven to make a difference by promoting sustainable consumption and supporting local eco-friendly brands through ConsciChoice. By enabling online shoppers to make informed and responsible choices, Jyoti aims to reduce environmental impact and contribute to global sustainability efforts. Join Jyoti and the...
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Country :
Netherlands (Nederland)
Sustainability Zone :
Responsible Consumption & Production