Ithungu Roset

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  • Ithungu Roset

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Sustainability Zone :
Water Management
Ithungu Roset, a dedicated environmental enthusiast from Uganda, is on a mission to tackle the pressing issue of water scarcity for irrigation in her community. With a keen focus on water harvesting as a sustainable solution to combat the dry climate, Ithungu's project involves the installation of multiple water tanks, including underground storage facilities. By harnessing harvested water for irrigation purposes, her initiative aims to address the critical need for water resources for both agricultural and domestic use, benefiting both humans and animals alike. Driven by a deep concern for the adverse impact of water scarcity on livelihoods and the environment, Ithungu is committed to implementing practical solutions that promote water conservation and efficient utilization. Through her project, she seeks to raise awareness and empower her community with the knowledge and skills needed...
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Country :
Sustainability Zone :
Water Management