Heidi Pan

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  • Heidi Pan

Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Education and Behavioral Change
Heidi Pan, hailing from the United States, is a passionate advocate for environmental action and knowledge accessibility. Recognizing the barriers that often prevent individuals from engaging in environmental work due to a lack of guidance, Heidi founded the 1.5 Degrees Podcast. This innovative platform serves as a bridge between aspiring environmentalists and seasoned professionals, fostering intergenerational and intersectional dialogues to raise awareness and demystify environmental initiatives. As a driving force behind the podcast, Heidi embodies the very gap she seeks to bridge, having once felt overwhelmed by the vastness of environmental issues and unsure of where to begin. Through her work, she aims to empower others by showcasing the wealth of knowledge and experiences within the environmental community, making environmental work more approachable and actionable for all. Heidi's dedication to facilitating learning and...
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Country :
United States
Sustainability Zone :
Education and Behavioral Change