Angel David Rodriguez Robles

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  • Angel David Rodriguez Robles

Country :
Mexico (México)
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management
Angel is on a mission to revolutionize the way we perceive and manage waste, motivated by a deep-rooted belief in the principles of responsible consumerism and the importance of embracing a circular economy. Driven by the alarming reality that only a fraction of all residues are recycled, Angel is dedicated to changing mindsets and behaviors surrounding recycling. He envisions a future where recycling is seamlessly integrated into everyday life, facilitated by accessible establishments that prioritize sustainability. A staunch opponent of waste in all its forms, Angel firmly believes that even the smallest changes can have a monumental impact on our society and environment. By encouraging individuals to view waste as untapped potential rather than disposable material, he aims to significantly reduce landfill waste, create job opportunities, and foster sustainable housing projects.

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Country :
Mexico (México)
Sustainability Zone :
Waste Management