Aida Namukose

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  • Aida Namukose

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Sustainability Zone :
Education and Behavioral Change
Aida Namukose, a passionate advocate from Kenya, is dedicated to addressing the disconnection of African youth from ancestral knowledge and land. This disconnection has led to the degradation of nature and the marginalization of women in society. Aida is the driving force behind an eco-feminist group in Tiwi, where community gardening, climate education, and creative arts are utilized to restore the vital connection between the community and the land. Having been raised on a farm by a deeply indigenous and spiritual mother, Aida witnessed the stark contrast between her upbringing and the current societal norms that prioritize exploitation over preservation of the Earth. She believes that the lack of value placed on caring for the land is intricately linked to the patriarchal structures that dominate society. Inspired by eco-feminist trailblazers like Wangari Maathai, Aida...
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Sustainability Zone :
Education and Behavioral Change