Dispatches From the Global Community: Kicking Off the Local Hubs

Our first round of Local Hubs are coming to a close and it’s safe to say that they were a resounding success. Fellows came together in cities all over the world to create autonomous communities in Bangalore, Barcelona, Berlin, Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, London, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pretoria, Stuttgart and Warsaw. We wanted to share some of the reports from some of the Hubs to give you a better idea of the role they play in our program. 

The Patchwork of Development: Rowan Spazzoli on Impact Entrepreneurship

Meet Rowan Spazzoli, a lecturer and economic development consultant with extensive experience in startup and small business support. In 2021 he founded Accendio, which focuses on entrepreneurial programmes and innovative finance research and implementation. He is also a member of the beVisioneers Advisory Council and we got a chance to sit down with him to chat about how to get started on your entrepreneurial journey.