Vritti Bhagnari
Vritti Bhagnari, hailing from India, is the visionary force behind RenewRise, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at combatting high unemployment rates and fostering climate change awareness in India. With a focus on integrating regenerative environmental education and entrepreneurial leadership development into the educational curriculum, Vritti's passion lies in empowering students and communities to address the lack of access to sustainable education through RenewRise. By infusing the Indian educational system with regenerative practices and entrepreneurial skills, Vritti's project aims to bridge educational disparities, instill a culture of sustainability, and nurture the next generation of environmentally conscious leaders.
Driven by a belief in the transformative power of education and entrepreneurship, Vritti's mission is to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle pressing challenges such as unemployment and climate change. Through hands-on projects and a focus on initiative-taking, RenewRise empowers youth to proactively engage with environmental issues in their communities, fostering a generation of changemakers committed to implementing regenerative solutions for a brighter future. Vritti's dedication to creating positive impact extends to the local community, where RenewRise not only creates employment opportunities but also promotes environmental consciousness and builds community resilience through collaborative endeavors.
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