Swathi Lakshmi Narayanan

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  • Swathi Lakshmi Narayanan

Country :
India (भारत)
Sustainability Zone :
Affordable & Clean Energy
However frustrated Swathi may be with our lack of collective action to address climate change, her own motivation to create change is undiminished. The young woman from India is convinced that with ingenuity, science, technology, management, and care, we can create a renewable resource-based economy capable of providing for all of us without destroying the planet. Her most recent contribution is Strung, a new start-up she is co-founder and CEO of. With a small team, Swathi is working on developing an innovative technology for creating bio-based materials from organic waste. She is excited about the benefits: less water, less energy, no toxic chemicals. Worker health is improved, waste limited. Earlier this year, Strung worked in collaboration with a premier engineering college and completed the first trial of its latest product: it was...
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Country :
India (भारत)
Sustainability Zone :
Affordable & Clean Energy