Eleanor Megan Stanton

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  • Eleanor Megan Stanton

Country :
United Kingdom
Sustainability Zone :
Affordable & Clean Energy
In the UK, an ocean scientist and marine biologist wants to turn people into everyday energy experts. Eleanor’s project, Energy Forecast, takes complex sets of data and turns them into easy-to- understand guidance, viewable through both an app and a website. Using the app, people will understand how the electricity we consume is different at different times. A special forecasting element will assist with the scheduling of power-hungry activities for times when energy is greener. There are educational eco-challenges for children and a rewards scheme for adults. In the next step, Eleanor plans to link her system to local microgrid systems. She hopes her project will help the planet by contributing to the decarbonization of our energy system and accelerating the switch to renewable energy.

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Country :
United Kingdom
Sustainability Zone :
Affordable & Clean Energy