Ekow Tachie-Mensah

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  • Ekow Tachie-Mensah

Country :
United Kingdom
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When it comes to proper composting, many people might struggle to know where to begin. With his initiative — Greening the UK: A Community Composting Initiative — Ekow wants to change this. The young Ghanaian aims to provide UK residents with compost bins; he also plans to run education sessions on the right techniques and make life easy with regular collection of organic waste materials. Add close partnerships with local farmers and community gardens, who would use the compost as a natural fertilizer, and a fully-rounded program is taking shape. Ekow — who was a Global Youth Compact Champion and sat on UNICEF's Global Youth Advisory Board — is passionate about what could be achieved: reduced organic waste sent to landfills and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, for sure. But his program is...
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Country :
United Kingdom
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