Aparupa Patnaik

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  • Aparupa Patnaik

Country :
India (भारत)
Sustainability Zone :
Ecosystems & Global Environmental Commons
In India, Aparupa is concerned about the future of dance. As a classical dancer herself, she knows how important the performance of Odissi is for the Jagannath cult and society more widely. What concerns her is the ornate headgear Odissi dancers wear. It is made from shola pith, the milky-white, spongy core of the shola plant. It grows in marshy, waterlogged areas, which are increasingly affected by climate change. Already, many artisans have switched to plastic, which is cheaper — adding to the problem of plastic pollution. Slowly, a heritage is being lost. That’s why Aparupa is working on alternatives. Can the marshy land be created artificially? How can healthy shola growth be assured for generations to come? With her project, this driven young artist wants to make sure the dancing continues.

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Country :
India (भारत)
Sustainability Zone :
Ecosystems & Global Environmental Commons