Amy Bray

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  • Amy Bray

Country :
United Kingdom
Sustainability Zone :
Education and Behavioral Change
If one person were to spread a message to ten people in one day and the next day those ten each told ten more, it would only take ten days for the whole world to have been inspired. This is what Amy calls the Power of Ten. It’s the philosophy behind her social media app for young changemakers: a community-driven, interactive “meeting place,” providing resources, guidance, help and inspiration. As a climate campaigner at school in the UK, Amy often felt isolated and overwhelmed. She received little support from peers or teachers. When she started to scale up her campaigns, she realized that in every school there was someone who cared as much as she did. Giving talks helped her overcome her eco-grief: she started feeling agency and empowerment. And the work...
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Country :
United Kingdom
Sustainability Zone :
Education and Behavioral Change